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The Einstein Museum

Architecture: Foster + Partners & YBGSNA

Location: The Hebrew University, mount Scopus, Jerusalem

Client: The President of Israel, the Prime Minister's Office, the Jerusalem Municipality

Stage: Preliminary Design

Shimon Peres, the president of Israel, at the age of 88 has begun promoting a new vision of the Albert Einstein Museum in Jerusalem, which will be shaped as the Jewish-German scientist's head.


Peres envisioned a huge museum, which will serve as a global tourist attraction. "Albert Einstein is the most famous Jew in history since Moses," he said during the meeting. "Israel must serve as a center of attraction for both creativity and wisdom, and Einstein possesses these two elements.


"Every single tourist arriving in Israel will want to visit the museum, if only we can get it started."


The design of the Museum is currently in a preliminary stage The Hebrew University representatives told the president they had 45,000 documents, drafts, books and items belonging to the scientist. University President Prof. Menachem Ben-Sasson said that his institution was "very interesting in being part of this project."

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